Your Support Matters
Please consider joining our ensemble making a major difference!Senior Sing A-long relies on the generosity of donors like you to continue bringing life enrichment programming to nursing care facilities and other senior communities.
Please consider supporting us with your financial contribution. No matter the amount, every dollar helps bring more life-changing music and live performances to seniors all over West Michigan. Want to make a donation on behalf of a business or organization? Check out our sponsorship opportunities.
$25 per month
A small contribution per month like this covers the cost of nearly four live music performances for seniors at a participating care community. $25 per month for 12 months.
$50 One Time
Covers two live music performances at a community center.
$100 One Time
Provides one music therapy session at a participating senior care community.
$500 One Time
Provides five music therapy sessions at a participating senior care community.
$1000 One Time
One year of live music programming for one community center each month.
Name Your Own Amount Donation
You can enter a specific amount you would like to donate.
Senior Sing A-long is a 501(c)(3) charity. All donations are tax deductible.